D90 Process: Drilling Analytics to Reduce NPT
Drilling Process Challenges
Today, drilling practices demand accuracy. Without it, quality of drilling plans are compromised, leading to non-productive time (NPT):
- Shipping/receiving the wrong equipment to a drill site
- Fees to inspect incorrect part on site
- Exceeding tool hours
- Logging inspection data inaccurately
- Using incorrect parts for the environment
- Miscommunication between operator and service companies
These issues can be minimized, or eliminated entirely, with the D90 process.
D90 Process: Drilling Analytics for Oil & Gas Drilling Operations
The D90 process combines big data, drilling analytics, quality assurance, and real-time cradle to grave tool data to optimize drilling quality.
In today’s operations, everything is reactionary. If a tool fails, an inspection follows. But the D90 process is proactive – a game-changing shift in drilling practices. It leverages your past data to help make predictive drilling decisions. If you can tap past data for specific regions and tools, you can optimize your drilling practices and reduce non-productive time.
What is the D90 Process?
D90 is a proprietary quality process to manage real-time drilling operations and standard operating procedures (SOP) to reduce NPT. The D90 process grants access to cradle to grave tool data through an online portal. This process benefits all parties – operator, provider, inspectors, and engineers – leveraging past data to make proactive drilling decisions.
D90 Process Example: Reducing Non Productive Time
- An operator is using elastomer A on a downhole drilling motor
- Elastomer A’s heat tolerance properties are unique, but may not work in certain geographic areas
- Elastomer A fails in the drilling environment
- D90 records the elastomer failure, the SOP is updated, and BRITE is updated
- Now, D90 will restrict the use of Elastomer A in this environment, instead requiring the use of Elastomer B, which functions better in this geographic area
The Best Part: No up charge – D90 is entirely data and cost neutral.
Want more info on the D90 process? Read our D90 blog to see the platforms full capability.
See the power of D90 for yourself – schedule a D90 demo for a complete walkthrough.